Our new granddaughter--inspiration #7
Our newest inspiration was born on March 29th—baby girl, Claire Elise! Claire is beautiful. Of course, all babies are beautiful. But your own are the very best.
PapPap (my husband) and I had an amazing two weeks in Missouri at the beginning of the month. Two of our children live there with their young families. We spent time with the little ones and their parents. We celebrated the new birth. We babysat. We helped our daughter’s family move into their new house a week after their baby was born. And we enjoyed the warm weather!
I always come home inspired by the comments and observations of our four (now five) grandchildren who live there. Each comment is like a slice of life, a photograph taken from life’s scheme of things. Kind of like poetry, it’s just a little piece of the picture.
Some things I learned:
If you want to get your mother’s attention, stand on a sit and spin. --from the viewpoint of a one-year old.
Lock your bedroom door when you challenge a four-year old to a race to see who gets dressed first.
A little-girl sized umbrella will make a three-year old smile for a long time.
Big helium balloons are more fun than toys.
Running in circles in an empty house is more fun than toys.
“Avocado” can make a kid laugh just because it’s fun to say.
Coloring can be great fun, or overrated, depending on which four-year old you’re with.
A kitchen chair blocking the way will not keep a one-year old away from the cabinet with the horse statues—he just crawls underneath it.
A little boy might forget about a hurt knee if you tell him you’re going to get up the stairs before he does.
A two-year old will tell you he’s going to hide under the bed, and that you have to come and find him.
A four-year old makes you count to 35 and can hide in places you can’t get to.
A one-year old can’t wait to see the next page in the book, and turns the pages before you’re done reading all the words.
A three-year old will count every apple/ball/spot on every page of the book you’re reading.
A four-year old picks the book with the most words/pages for his bedtime story and tells you when you’ve missed any words.
“Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.” --from an almost 5-year old, playing Candyland with his mother.
And writers who get to spend time with pre-schoolers are blessed. Read More
PapPap (my husband) and I had an amazing two weeks in Missouri at the beginning of the month. Two of our children live there with their young families. We spent time with the little ones and their parents. We celebrated the new birth. We babysat. We helped our daughter’s family move into their new house a week after their baby was born. And we enjoyed the warm weather!
I always come home inspired by the comments and observations of our four (now five) grandchildren who live there. Each comment is like a slice of life, a photograph taken from life’s scheme of things. Kind of like poetry, it’s just a little piece of the picture.
Some things I learned:
If you want to get your mother’s attention, stand on a sit and spin. --from the viewpoint of a one-year old.
Lock your bedroom door when you challenge a four-year old to a race to see who gets dressed first.
A little-girl sized umbrella will make a three-year old smile for a long time.
Big helium balloons are more fun than toys.
Running in circles in an empty house is more fun than toys.
“Avocado” can make a kid laugh just because it’s fun to say.
Coloring can be great fun, or overrated, depending on which four-year old you’re with.
A kitchen chair blocking the way will not keep a one-year old away from the cabinet with the horse statues—he just crawls underneath it.
A little boy might forget about a hurt knee if you tell him you’re going to get up the stairs before he does.
A two-year old will tell you he’s going to hide under the bed, and that you have to come and find him.
A four-year old makes you count to 35 and can hide in places you can’t get to.
A one-year old can’t wait to see the next page in the book, and turns the pages before you’re done reading all the words.
A three-year old will count every apple/ball/spot on every page of the book you’re reading.
A four-year old picks the book with the most words/pages for his bedtime story and tells you when you’ve missed any words.
“Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.” --from an almost 5-year old, playing Candyland with his mother.
And writers who get to spend time with pre-schoolers are blessed. Read More